This past summer I was asked if I would be willing to travel to Lummi Island and take care of a small lot of animals on a farm. How could I say no... for a week I ate fresh eggs, took long walks with the pack of dogs, carried a bird around on my shoulder and genuinely enjoyed the solitude of the country. A lot of time was spent playing, watching, feeding, and tucking the animals in for the night. They all had such great spirit and character. I thoroughly enjoyed getting up in the morning with a cup of steaming hot coffee in hand and greeting all of them. With the sun rising, I could feel the connection we where all enjoying, the morning ritual together. I love the honesty and intuition of animals!
Elise & Trixie would have these bouts where they would run atop of their ramp and butt heads several times. Once satisfied, they returned to their vantage point (above photo) where they could maintain a close eye over the farms goings on. Very curious creatures.
Moose a neighboring dog, one of many that would visit Lucy the resident cattle dog on a daily basis.
Bun Bun would immediately come to the door of his pen and greet you, even with the dogs looming at the parameter, he had no fear.Bun Bun is one happy rabbit and especially loves himself some stuffed animal!
Sweet, sweet Lucy. What else can I say, she is the epidemie of calm, cool and loving. She gracefully allowed Rio, my cattle dog, into her territory and ended up showing him the nightly "rounding up of the chickens" ritual.
Lola... this is the creature that gently hung onto the fabric at my shoulder. She really seemed to love traveling this way, at times it was hard to get her off of my shoulder! She would start by nibbling on my ears and end up thoroughly grooming herself. I did not realize these little birds have so much fluff to them... I felt honored to be her chariot.
This is Rio, he came with me from the city. Rio very much loves to herd pretty much anything that runs. Between all the physical activity that a farm demands of a dog and the added mental clarity required to account for every animals where about at all times, Rio was happily tired at the end of each day!I spent a good hour following this rooster and the hens around with my camera trying to get a shot. I was told in not so many words, when the rooster charged me, to back off.
He was not even afraid of the dogs. Quite bold and impressive!