Have you ever wondered why you enjoy the smell of your own farts, but other people's make you sick? Have you ever wondered what Bunch does when he's in front of the mirror and nobody else is around? Well you don't have to wonder anymore. You can find out the answers to these questions and I'm sure much, much more by following the one and only Deh Beh on Twitter. I encouraged the Revolting Blog staff to start tweeting and the Deh Beh has responded. You can sign up for the mobile option and get mine and Deh's tweets sent directly to your phone as text messages. This is how I've done it with KSR and Coach Cal's tweets for about a year now. I had only been on the actual twitter site once (to register) until this week, but I've been a member for over a year. It was good to wake up yesterday and grab my phone and find out what Bunch does in his spare "alone" time in front of the mirror. Quality stuff.
Click here to follow the Deh Beh
Click here to follow JV
I would also like to take this opportunity to steal a little of Ho's thunder and supply you with Thursday's QOD. That's the quote of the day for you newcomers. Yesterday, when asked for the approximately 1000th time about Cornell's academic prestige, our boy Boogie came up with this classic: "We're here to play basketball. This isn't a spelling bee."
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