We are coming ever so close to the end of an era. As I type this, we are 313 site hits away from closing this bad boy down. Back on June 4th, my sister Brooke's birthday(an irrelevant fact, but a fact nonetheless), I issued a challenge to the blog writers. Write one post between then and the site's 10,000th visitor. That has ended up giving them almost a full 2 months. So far we have had posts from Sizzlin Shane, Deh Beh, and myself. No Tom Vinson, no Jon Littlepage (not surprising), no Clint Ray, no Brian Bullock, no Faith, and the biggest surprise of them all, no Ho. I would have thought we would get at least one QOD. It doesn't even have to make sense. All these highly recruited writers have to do is make a post. It could be titled "hi", with a post of a smiley face or something. That's all it would take to keep the blog alive. Of course we would love to have great stuff like "Ask Cooper Ray", "I hate McDonalds double drive thru", "Nick Saban is my lover", or the aforementioned QOD. These guys have the ability. That's why they were brought on board. They don't, however, have the desire. That's what we've all lost. I've lost it too, and that's why I kinda hope that they don't post and the blog can just come to an end. I'm pretty confident that my wishes will come true. I'm fairly confident that half of the guys don't even visit the blog anymore. That's sad on many levels, but mainly by not visiting they are just prolonging the inevitable. Keep one thing in mind folks: Every time you visit this blog you are driving the knife just a little bit deeper. Thanks for coming. 10,000. I'm predicting a closing. Can the staff step up? You already know the answer.
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