Sunday, March 27, 2011

Weekend Recap

What a busy weekend!  I am worn out!
Friday we traveled to KC to see Toy Story 3 on Ice with the Pittmans and the Winberrys.
I wish I could say Jacob was the best little boy ever, but I would be lying.
I think it was because he had never stayed in a hotel before, being with his friends, and just being out of his element that made him a little terror bounce off the walls.  

We ate at The Cheesecake Factory Friday night, and you would be proud of me for ordering a salad and no cheesecake.  My salad was only 590 calories.  :)  Kris did good too.  Saturday after the show we had lunch at The California Pizza Kitchen.  We got a Canadian Bacon with Pineapple on whole wheat crust.  When we got home we weighed ourselves, and I am down 5 lbs and Kris is down 6 lbs.  Woo hoo!!

Saturday we headed to to the show and it was freezing it KC.  It actually snowed on us.  
We got inside the doors and they were checking bags/purses, and I had my good camera with me.
They told me I couldn't bring it in because it had a detachable lens.  What the what?!?!?  
I asked, "so I have to take this back to the car?"  He said yep.
GRRRRR....  luckily or maybe not, my b-i-l John had his pocket knife on him, so he was going back to the car himself.  Oh, and my trusty little camera for my purse... dead battery.
Kris took a few with his cell phone.

Here is the best one of the show.
That's Woody in the middle holding Jessie.

Today was Jacob's actual party.

He kept eyeballing his cake!

He wanted to grab those cars so bad!
{I made the cake stand with scrapbook paper resembling the checkered flag, and then used it throughout the table}

My first time to use this and it leaked!

We played pin the tail on the donkey

We had a bean bag toss that the adults liked :)

Is it time for cake yet??

Look at his big 'ol cheek trying to blow out the candles :)

I did it!!

Now can I have it, Mommy?

I thought this picture was funny.  It's like he's telling Caleb, "no no."  :)

He got a lot of nice gifts.  Thank you everyone for thinking of him!

Meme with her first and last (maybe?) grandchild :)

Kris doing one of his daddy duties 

Jacob pulling Luke

I found these cute balloons at Party City

A special thank you to Meme and Papaw for watching Levi while we went to KC.  
And thank you to everyone for celebrating with us!!

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