I am starting a new segment for the final days of TRB. You already know the name because it's in the title. So to elaborate just a little this is going to be a place where I vent some of my frustration. This column is meant to be of the daily variety but if you have ever stopped by here before you know that the only thing we writers do on a daily basis is sit on the pot.
So here goes the daily dis and the lucky subject of today's dis are the fans TRB. Yeah you got all you low down fans that have sucked the life out our staff's creativity for the past several months are gonna get slammed today. Our fans are the worst in history when we are writing daily and doing our thing then we never hear anything out of you not even a quick pat on the back to fuel our enormously large egos so that we keep pressing on. But let us go 6-8 months without posting something and there is a public outcry to have our heads severed from our torso. So for that you fans suck! Out of all of the millions of bags of fan mail I receive daily only one fan has taken the time to approach me personally and say "keep up the good work man and I will start posting comments". C. Red you are the TRB "Fan of the Decade"! The rest of you fans are so pitiful that you can't even visit often enough to get this damn thing shut down.
I guess we will all be covering the Sypher trial next week because that girl fellates everything in sight apparently!
TRB fans pretend like you are Karen Sypher one time and "S*ck It!"
Please stay tuned for more of the daily dis'!
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