Thanks to all who ever visited the blog. We are sorry to say that because of the thoughtless and cowardly actions of Tom Vinson, Brian Bullock, Jon Littlepage, Chris Faith, and Clint Ray, the blog can no longer continue. All we asked of these gentlemen was for 1 lousy post. They had nearly 2 months to do this. All that it would have taken to save The Revolting Blog was 1 silly post from each "writer". "Hi, my name is Tom (or whoever)". That would have counted as a post. These 5 guys proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that either a) they don't even read the blog they claim to write for, or b) they just don't give a damn. Wherever the truth lies, we may never know. I will tell you that if they are willing, I will start to generate ideas for a new blog with the other 3 writers who did have an interest in saving this thing. As for now, TRB is closing up shop. I am wiping out the writing priveleges for all writers except myself. I will post an update with a link to our "new and improved" blog whenever we decide what to call it and I can design it. That's the only reason I'm leaving my own priveleges up for the time being. Thanks for being a part of a great run. We will take out the trash and have a new blog up soon. Peace!!
******check back within the next 7-10 days for news on our new blog******
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