Monday, August 23, 2010


Levi, you are 2 months old today!
This momma is so sad!  The time is going by way too fast!
Here are a few things you're up to these days:

*you wear a size 1 diaper
*you wear 0-3mos clothes
*you love the swing, and within no time fall asleep in it
*I could cut/file your nails everyday - they grow so fast!
*obviously you didn't remember today was picture day, because you scratched your nose :(

*you typically eat 4oz every 3-4hours
*you are a great sleeper.  we lay you down for the night around 11pm.  you get up between 3-4am for a feeding, then it's back to bed till 7:30am!  mommy and daddy love that!
*you have definitely noticed Jacob, and will follow him with your eyes around the room.  So sweet!

*you go in a couple of weeks for your 2month checkup, so we'll know your actual weight and height then, but if I had to guess I'd say you weigh around 12-13lbs.  
*you will also receive your first set of shots then, and I will probably cry with you.  
*you aren't the biggest fan of tummy time, however, you definitely last longer at it than your brother!

*you are the best baby!  so mellow, just go with the flow.  nothing upsets you.
*still not much of a crier.  and we are not complaining!  I've never known a baby to cry as little as you.
*and the biggest notice we've seen in you is all the talking and cooing!  We love it!!!

Thank you Levi for blessing our lives each day with all your sweetness.
I want to squeeze you so bad it hurts!  :)
Love, love, love you!!!

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