Friday, February 11, 2011

Snow, please Go!

We woke up Wednesday morning with a lot of snow!
It snowed throughout the day and we got a total of 20"!  I don't think I've ever seen this much in AR.

Looking into the backyard

{and yes, we'll be replacing that umbrella this summer}

And on those frigid nights, this is keeping us warm!  :)

Levi is sitting up so good on his own!
His little face is taking a beating.  I think it's a combination of dry skin, drooling and baby eczema.
But he's still adorable in my book. :)

And Jacob continues to be a little stinker, he's getting quite good at it.  :)

When I'm snowed in, I find myself wanting to cook/bake more.
I made chicken enchilada soup using the trusty crock pot, and I made Pioneer Woman's Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie.  OH MY!
{since we're close to Valentine's Day, I added the heart}   :)

So looking forward to next week's weather!
Arkansas weather is so crazy! 
The snow needs to GO!  Hopefully the heat wave next week will take care of that!

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